The author
The Yuanmingyuan Artefact Index is authored by myself, Kate Hill, a PhD student at the University of Glasgow. The subject of my dissertation is the affect of looted artefacts from the Yuanmingyuan on Victorian aesthetics: museum and exhibition culture, design, fine art, connoisseurship and collecting. My research into the Yuanmingyuan and art collecting by British forces in China began while I was a master’s student in the art of China at Christie’s Education, London, in 2008.
“The Yuanmingyuan and Design Reform in Britain”, Collecting and Displaying China’s ‘Summer Palace’ in the West: The Yuanmingyuan in Britain and France (Routledge, 2017).
“The Yuanmingyuan and Victorian Design”, Oriental Ceramic Society Newsletter, no. 24, 2016.
“Collecting on Campaign: British Soldiers in China During the Opium Wars,” Journal of the History of Collections, vol. 25, no. 2, 2013.
“Chinese Ceramics in UK Military Museums,” Oriental Ceramic Society Newsletter, no. 20, May 2012.
“The Victorian Soldier and Chinese Art,” Oriental Ceramic Society Newsletter, no. 17, May 2009.
“Taking and Making Trophies from the Second Opium War”, Postgraduate Research Symposium, University of Glasgow, 5 May 2017.
“The Form Adorned: Rococo Mounts on Asian Porcelains”, paper presented at the conference Objects and Possessions: Material Goods in a Changing World 1200‒1800, University of Southampton, 5 April 2017.
“The Yuanmingyuan and Victorian Design”, Rietberg Museum, 28 February 2017.
“Plunder or Prize: Was the Looting of the Yuanmingyuan Legal?”, University of Glasgow, 6 November 2016.
I hope that the YAI will contribute to documentation of this important site and the dispersal of its collections. You can send comments or queries to me at
我 是 格拉斯哥 大学 的 一 名 博 士 研究生 。 在 2008年 当 我 是 在 伦敦 Christie’s Education 的 硕士生 我 开始 了 对 圆明园 的 研究。我 希望 这个 圆明园 文物 目录 有助于 为 流失 文物 提供 参 考 文献 和 公众 对 这些 重要 历史 遗迹 和 该文 流失 的 了解。您 可以 联络 我:
(Translation by Zhang Xiaolei with Kate Hill)