0033 The Archaeological Institute of Suffolk opened an exhibition in August 1861. On display was ‘an ebony lamp from the Summer Palace at Pekin’, donated by H.R. Homfray. (6 August 1861, Bury and Norwich Post, p. 2.)


1861 8 Suffolk 考古学 研究所 展览 开场了 一个 展品 是一个 出自 北京 圆明园 乌木 黑檀木灯H. R. Homfray 捐赠。一八六一年 八, Bury and Norwich Post, 第二页。)

张小蕾和凯特 · 希尔(Kate Hill)



0034 The following three items were included in the catalogue of Capitaine Negroni’s collection of spoils from the Yuanmingyuan, exhibited at the Crystal Palace in 1865.

p. 41

380. A round box in iron wood, harmoniously inlaid with precious stones, in a variety of styles, representing the life of the great and learned sages and philosophers of the Celestial Empire. On it is seen the Emperor Tehun, with the imperial attributes, varied by Chinese characters, symbolic of light and truth.

p.  42

386. A box in iron wood, beautifully carved.

p. 47

483. A tea chest, containing the tea found in it at the Summer Palace.

(See Catalogue of Captain de Negroni's Collection of Porcelain, Jade, Jewels, Silks, Furs, Stones, &c., from Yuen-Min-Yuen, (The Summer Palace) Pekin, London: McCorquodale & Co. 1865, pp. 41-42, 47.) The collection was sold through Messrs. Foster in June 1866. (16 June 1866, Birmingham Gazette, p. 4.)


0185 When the town museum at Leicester reopened after a period of refurbishment in 1881, the Chinese exhibit included: ‘five examples of wood carving, rarities taken from Summer Palace, Pekin’. (30 July 1881, Leicester Chronicle, p. 8.) 26 February 2016.


0234 At the Old Trafford Conservative Club, Manchester, an exhibition took place in 1893, which included: ‘a Chinese teapot, chopsticks, and a pair of shoes (seized during the sacking of the Summer Palace of the Emperor of China in 1860).’ (‘Interesting Exhibition at the Old Trafford Conservative Club’, Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser, 18 January 1893, p. 8.) [also listed under ceramics and textiles.] 26 February 2016.


0242 When a Foreign Missionary Loan Exhibition was mounted at Nottingham in 1894, a reviewer noted: ‘There is an ebony screen from the Summer Palace at Pekin, with butterflies beautifully painted on the silk.’ (24 November 1894, Nottinghamshire Guardian, p. 8.) 26 February 2016.


All material on this page, unless otherwise credited, was produced by Kate Hill, who asserts her authorship of the work. © Kate Hill, Yuanmingyuan Artefact Index, 2016.